We left Chicago expecting to enjoy a milder winter, and, in truth, it is milder. However, the snow has been unbelievable this winter. Philly certainly is warmer and less windy than Chicago, but the amount of snow that we have received at one time has been unparalleled to anything we saw while in Chicago. In December, when mom and Emily were visiting, the city got 24 inches of snow in a little over 24 hours. This past weekend, we got 28 inches (though not quite that much at our house). Tonight and tomorrow the weather gurus are expecting that we will get another 12-18 inches. I've never seen anything like it. We certainly never had this kind of snow while I was growing up! We love the snow, and we would love it even more if we had a driveway. Parallel parking is even more obnoxious when you have to fight over parking spaces. Everyone in the neighborhood has been using chairs and the like to save parking spots (hopefully I'll get some pictures to share). Someone had the nerve to move our cardboard boxes today. Obviously they didn't read the news article about people getting killed for moving "dibs" articles! Not that I'd go that far, but I did think about printing out the article to put on their windshield.
Buddy is definitely a huge fan of the snow. He plows through it, and digs his head in. We still can't figure out why he burrows his head in the snow. He jumps and leaps and runs in circles. He doesn't know what to do with himself because he is having so much fun.
Here are some pictures from various snowfalls this winter:
Buddy loves to leave his mark, and the footprints demonstrate how much he loves to explore.
Who needs a milk mustache when you can have a snow mustache!
As you'll be able to see below as well, Buddy loves to play chase, especially in the snow.