Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Never Fear...

I know it has been a while since we last updated here, and it will be a bit longer yet before pictures appear. Never fear though - we are still planning on using the blog but are having some computer issues.

Things are going well in Philadelphia, and it seems that fall has arrived with its cooler weather. Matt's job is still going well, and my hands are busy on the days that I babysit with every growing children. On the days that I don't babysit, my hands are full with the every growing Buddy. He just keeps getting bigger and bigger!

During the month of September, I went back to Nashville for a long-awaited visit. It was so wonderful to see all of the family and as always makes me miss home. Hopefully, I will have pictures to post, as long as they aren't lost forever on the other computer (and I think they might be!)

Matt and I completed one of our first big idea projects - we put up a fence along the back of our property. I still need to finish painting and once I do - there will be more pictures for sure. It was a ton of work and we are hoping that it is supported well-enough, but only time will tell there I suppose. We put it up on Sunday and it is still standing today, Tuesday!

Otherwise, we are looking forward to a visit from Matt's dad in late October/early November and from Matt's cousin and his girlfriend in November. Also, we are looking forward to having trick-or-treaters for the first time! In the mean time, we've been enjoying our fire pit and our new home.

As Emily would say - I'm rambling now. So - I'll sign off for now. Miss you all!

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